While it seems everybody fertilises their lawn to encourage its growth and improve its disease resistance few people apply the same level of care to their trees.
Do my trees need fertilising?
In forests trees have Nutrients galore. In our gardens that’s not often the case.
As we sweep away leaves, fallen twigs and bark we’re removing potential nutrients for the soil . Additionally grass up to the base of our trees is not natural and often out-competes trees for available nutrients and moisture.

Its quite simple to mix organic material in with our air spade or soil augers, but where grass needs to be retained for aesthetics these aren’t always an option and can cause damage to roots.
That’s where soil injection can come in.
By using our Terravent geo-injectors to De-compact the soil and inject either natural, liquid, slow release bio-stimulants and nutrients into the soil or a blend of dry natural soil improvers, we can kick start your trees and plants for the upcoming growing season. While benefiting the natural soil bacteria and providing an improved soil structure that can also help with drainage. We can even add Mycorrhiza spores, a symbiotic fungi that can help your trees grow, along with a whole range of other beneficial’s that can help provide the building blocks to fight a wide range of tree and plant diseases.
Proper fertilisation and soil care can help you trees and plants fight against pests and diseases and help them stay healthy, optimised and vigorous for years to come.
And by using soil injection we add these specific organic fertilisers straight to the roots, rather than a broad spectrum granular blend sitting on the surface.